This page explains our privacy policy which includes the use and protection of any information submitted by visitors. If you choose to make any transaction or send an e-mail which contains personal information, this information may be shared where necessary with other Government agencies so as to serve you in the most efficient and effective manner. An example might be in terms of resolving or addressing complaints that require escalation to other Government agencies.
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    Privacy Policy

    The JANM application, which includes the JANM eMaklum System Portal and the JANM eMaklum Mobile Application (hereinafter referred to as the "Application"), is an application developed for all individuals and suppliers who deal with the Government covering the scope of Supply, Services and Work (hereinafter referred to as "Users ") to facilitate access to online services offered by JANM to users by using various types of devices including smartphones. The application can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, Apple App Store and Huawei App Gallery. The Government ensures that the personal information collected is in line with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (Act 709).
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    This application will not record the user's personal data except with permission and given voluntarily by the user. This information is not shared with other organizations for other purposes unless specifically stated.
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    This application does not collect and store user data. However, some information is used to assist the search process for review and printing only. The information that needs to be submitted voluntarily by the user is as follows:

    1. Identification Card Number

    2. Company/ Organization Registration Number

    3. Bank Account Number

    4. Invoice Number

    5. Payment Reference Number

    The personal data entered by the user will not be stored or used for any purposes other than those mentioned above. Personal data collected will not be disclosed to any third party or transferred to a place outside Malaysia for commercial purposes.
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    If the personal data provided is insufficient or incomplete, then the search results for payment information or user requests for any of the above purposes are not accepted action is taken or the use of the services offered by the Application may not be successful.
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    Personal data collected by the Application will be kept confidential by this Privacy Policy following any applicable laws that may be in force from time to time.
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    The application implements security features that comply with global standards to protect the confidentiality and security of user information.
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    If this privacy policy is amended, the amendment will be updated on this page. For other queries, please send your feedback through the Feedback Menu in this portal/application.